Thursday, October 29, 2015

Barbonymus Schwanenfeldii

2 Red Tail tinfoil barbs
Common Name: Red Tail Tin Foil Barb
Type: Barb
Origin: Asia
Size: 8-12 inches
Color:Tin foil barbs are large silver to bronze colored fish with bright red to orange tails. Their are a few different varieties or color ranging from the albino as seen in the photo above, the standard which is under the albino in the picture, and a few more differences in tail colors and scale tones!
Description: Tin foil barbs are some of the largest growing barbs! Their are a few different species of tinfoil barbs, the most common include the red tail, the golden tinfoil barb and the standard tinfoil barb ( the largest). These fish grow very large very fast and are a schooling fish so a decent tank size with plenty of swimming room is required! When given the appropriate care....tinfoil barbs can be very beautiful relaxing fish to watch!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Moenkhausia Sanctaefilomenae

Common Name: Lamp Eye Tetra, Red eye tetra
Type: Tetra
Origin: South America
Size: 3 inches
Color: Lamp eye tetra generally show a silver body with a bright red ring around eye and a black ring before anal fin! Sometimes these fish can display an extra green to red coloration along top of body witch can be seen in the picture below!
Description: Lamp Eye tetra are an excellent schooling fish they bring loots of excitement to most aquariums. These fish spend a lot of time socializing with their own most tetra! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Common Name: Harlequin Rasbora,
Type: Rasbora, Cyprinidae
Origin: Asia
Size: 1 1/2 inches
Color: Harlequin Rasbora display a beautiful orange to pinkish body with a black marking from stomach to anal fin!
Description:The Harlequin Rasbora is definitely one of the top aquarium schooling fish available! These beautiful fish are very dependent on one another thus displaying amazing school behavior! Their bright coloration would make them look stunning in any community aquarium!