Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nimbochromis Venustus

Common Name(s): Venustus Cichlid, Giraffe Hap
Type: Hap Cichlid
Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa
Size: 10 inches
Color:Beautiful greenish yellow body with markings that resemble the markings on a giraffe! Mature males will produce a blue face!
Description: The venustus is simply an awesome hap african cichlids. These fish grow very large compared to other african cichlids, if you keep this fish, be sure to provide a large home!

My Male Venustus

Monday, April 28, 2014

Labidochromis caeruleus


Common Name(s): Yellow Lab cichlid, electric yellow
Type: Mbuna Cichlid
Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa
Size: 6 inches
Color: Bright yellow body, with black "edges" (along top and bottom fins) , males tend to have a stronger/ thicker black!
Description: The yellow lab is an absolutely beautiful fish! These yellow fish are charms to any aquarium bring tons of excitement and activity to your tank! Beware because the are African cichlids and do carry aggressive traits!


My yellow labs getting ready to brawl!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sciaenochromis Fryeri


Common Name(s): Electric blue cichlid, electric blue ahli, Ice hap
Type: Hap cichlid
Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa
Size: 8 inches
Color: Males are a bright electric blue color while females are more dull color!
Description: This fish is like a very attractive fish. Colors are unreal!

Amatitlania Nigrofasciata

Common Name: Convict Cichlid, Zebra cichlid
Type: Cichlid
Origin: Central America
Size:5-6 inches
Color: Convict cichlids start off with grey bodies with black stripes, as they mature the male grows longer and fins, and females produce a redish, orange spot on stomach!
Description:  Convict cichlids are very interesting fish to wath. Get a pair and witness outstanding parenting and loyalty!



Puntius Denisonii

 Common Name: Denison Barb, Roseline Shark, Torpedo Barb
Type: Barb
Origin: India
Size: 5 inches
Color: Beautiful silver body with black horizontal line, tip of face with red markings and rear tail with yellow markings!
Description: The Denison Barb is an amazing fish, kept in school these fish will bring activity and beauty to any aquarium!